I'm back baby! BOOM!
hello, two very horrible things happened this week, someone did not close the front door properly, with the cold weather the door swells and my sister in law who has done this once before a few weeks ago left the door slightly ajar when she returned from whatever event they went to on the sunday. I awoke on Monday to find 2 of my bags missing, along with contents of said bags (ipod and kindle) but the theiving bastards also took the liberty to help themselves to my mothers laptop, her creative labs MP3 player and my PS3....
Now this was clearly a rush job and likely one person, they came in in the night, saw all this five finger discount shit on offer and saw the bags and decided to load up, I know this because they never took the power leads for the console, or the HDMI, just the base unit and the controllers, the games were next to the fucking thing and they left those, they didn't take the flatscreen TV, the dvd player or the Western Digital HD usb media player. Yes my plans monday night pretty much involved me wanting to die, or leave the door open and wait for any tom, dick or asshole to come through the door at daft o`clock to taste my pain.
Incidentally, this same day, my router stopped working, all the hard pwoer resets did not fix the issues, my brother got his net working directly so that usually means 'fuck you chris, we'll get yours sorted but we'll take it as slowly as possible' anyway new router came about an hour ago and w e've set it up, but h's not set anything up to customise so we're running barebones with password and everything automatic because he won't want me fiddiling to give everyone specific IP's....sometimes I swear when I live alone, it'll be awesome. Anyway net back, me back, thats good enough for now. Just need to save a few months so I can replace all the things I've lost.
hello, two very horrible things happened this week, someone did not close the front door properly, with the cold weather the door swells and my sister in law who has done this once before a few weeks ago left the door slightly ajar when she returned from whatever event they went to on the sunday. I awoke on Monday to find 2 of my bags missing, along with contents of said bags (ipod and kindle) but the theiving bastards also took the liberty to help themselves to my mothers laptop, her creative labs MP3 player and my PS3....
Now this was clearly a rush job and likely one person, they came in in the night, saw all this five finger discount shit on offer and saw the bags and decided to load up, I know this because they never took the power leads for the console, or the HDMI, just the base unit and the controllers, the games were next to the fucking thing and they left those, they didn't take the flatscreen TV, the dvd player or the Western Digital HD usb media player. Yes my plans monday night pretty much involved me wanting to die, or leave the door open and wait for any tom, dick or asshole to come through the door at daft o`clock to taste my pain.
Incidentally, this same day, my router stopped working, all the hard pwoer resets did not fix the issues, my brother got his net working directly so that usually means 'fuck you chris, we'll get yours sorted but we'll take it as slowly as possible' anyway new router came about an hour ago and w e've set it up, but h's not set anything up to customise so we're running barebones with password and everything automatic because he won't want me fiddiling to give everyone specific IP's....sometimes I swear when I live alone, it'll be awesome. Anyway net back, me back, thats good enough for now. Just need to save a few months so I can replace all the things I've lost.
Thanks for your comment <3 Glados is such a bitch lol! But that song definitely cheered me up.