She visitied me today... I never in my life felt anyone act so cold towards me before. It hurt to see her not smile when I'm around. After she left, I broke down.

Everything you gave me was put in to a nice bag and then smashed with a mallet. The photos of us together were burned.

Being drunk by noon is odd.
Sorry you hurt so much. Hope you don't regret burning those pics. I know I got rid of a few pics of ex's in my time, and I do regret not having them, as they were still part of my life.

Feel better.
Tuck me into where it's freezing,
Tuck me into bed with snakes
Tuck me in with the tarantulas,
I wanna let 'em in my mouth
and down my throat to lay their eggs

Tuck me into where there's bleeding,
Where it spills out of the walls onto the floor
Tuck me into where your best friend's apologies
amount to shit, they always did, for ever...
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If you haven't checked out the Devil's Rejects yet, you're missing out. Check out this link for the dope trailer : http://members.streetwise.com/goto.php?e=thegreatpuppino@yahoo.com&d=DevilsRejectAug12

And if enough of ya click on the link, I could win a dope autograph poster.
Cool trailer--hope you win!
It's about 3.15 am and I just got done cleaning all the glass out of my car cuz some retarded skater fucks that live down the road from me decided my windows would be funny to break using their boards and a bb gun. I hope I can catch them so I can break their legs. Lemme see them ollie now.
That sucks. Do you have glass coverage? In NYC it's almost a must!
Went to Wizard World today. I met Mc Chris. I bought his cd then had him yell at Brad for being a broke asshole. It was amusing.

Jim Mahfood signed some comics. He rules. And I got some new Black Bastard comics. Again, they rule. Uhm.. Woot.
Who is Mc Chris?
Any girls here like nerdy horror movie fanatic magicians?? ... and do you live in Wisconsin?
I do! biggrin
After almost three years of dating and HER proposing to ME , I think she might break up with me. I don't know what to do. My minds a damn mess.
I'm sorry.

Hang in there. If you need an ear, I'm here for you.
did you say no? I almost left my fiance after I asked him to marry me and he said "no".. he thought i was fucking aroiund. I wasnt. But 4 months later he asked me to marry him so...
hope it works out baby doll.. kiss
For any who care, I got back last nite from a really long road trip to California *San Francisco to be exact.* Nice trip, went thru a bit of the western states. They mainly smelled like shit.

Great to be back.
Welcome back. I love and miss SanFrancisco.
Sonic Reducer
by The Dead Boys
I don't need anyone
Don't need no mom and dad
Don't need no pretty face
Don't need no human race
I got some news for you
Don't even need you too

I got my devil machine
Got my electronic dream
Sonic reducer
Ain't no loser
I'm a sonic reducer
Ain't no loser

People out on the streets
They don't...
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really... well... ok then... kinda funny that i read your entry at the same time that i listen to thunder and lightining that is strong enough to shake my house surreal
Why is everyone so serious? I don't get it. I realized a long ass time ago that if someone you love leaves you, it's not the end of the world. You wipe tears away and get on with your life as much as you can or you'll just never get out alive. You lost your job? Get a new one. No matter what, there is...
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Eight bucks each plus shipping on the entire package sound fair?

Lemme know.
It's one title, and the Richard Ross segment is worth the price of the entire tape. Yeah, whenever you get the funds, I'll send them. I won't sell them before you get to choose which ones you want. No rush. Let me know when you know. smile