I donated blood today. Yay!
I also hit 498.9 miles in my 1,000 mile year. Which means that a) Ill hit 500 miles tomorrow* and b) that Ill be its gonna be extra super hard for me to get out of bed and hit that mark.
And, if I hadnt mentioned it, Im doing <a href="http://www.nanowrimo.org/en/participants/saylamarz/novels/leap/stats">nanowrimo</a> for the sixth year in a row. November 30 is the last day to write toward the 50,000 word goaland currently Im at 48,234 words.
Tomorrow should be a big day for numbers starting with 5s and ending with 0s.
* I started counting miles on July 11, my birthday, so this puts me almost a month and a half ahead of schedule Ill be falling behind once I start cross training for the half-mare in april.

I know I've been really absent from SG....I've had some unhappy stuff happening in my little world, and it's just overwhelmed me....I'll try to post a more real update on Thursday, when I have one less thing to stress about...
and you can punish me anytime.