i just saw shrek-2. remember the good ole days when a few kids movies would have some subtle adult humor thrown in for the parents? well, it's not subtle anymore. some of it was just flat out sex jokes. and pinnochio wearing thongs? i'm no prude (you're reading this on a porn site, afterall) but i find it strange that this stuff is geared towards little kids. oh, and they overdid the referencing of other movies. other than that it was cute. antonio banderas makes a great asassain kitty.
that's nuthin, the last movie i took my 11 year old daughter to was taxas chainsaw massacre. her choice! i tried to tell her i didn't approve but there were kids younger than her coming out of the flick with thier moms. besides, who am i kidding? i was watching the gates of hell when i was her age.
so should I/we see it ?