i feel so off kilter today!
first of all, i slept late and felt groggy all morning. then i get to calss and my teacher informs me that he lost my mid-term exam. and now i'm at home when i should be working so i sign on to sg and it's all different! i'm so confused.
i do like the new look, though. it's just going to take a while to get used to. i especially like the art at the top.
also, i just want to say that i have the best boyfriend in the world. i've been having these crazy hormone induced mood swings (thank you birth control) and he still puts up with me, and rubs my feet even when i'm being bitchy.
first of all, i slept late and felt groggy all morning. then i get to calss and my teacher informs me that he lost my mid-term exam. and now i'm at home when i should be working so i sign on to sg and it's all different! i'm so confused.
i do like the new look, though. it's just going to take a while to get used to. i especially like the art at the top.
also, i just want to say that i have the best boyfriend in the world. i've been having these crazy hormone induced mood swings (thank you birth control) and he still puts up with me, and rubs my feet even when i'm being bitchy.

we must be sweet when our ladies are in the bad place