the past two weeks have been a blur. last week i had nonstop craziness, some good but mostly bad, going on in my personal life. then this past week, i got sick - i think i was delierious from monday until friday. mon and tues were spent in the dr. office and then tues night was spent in the emergency room. i don't even remember most of it. i did get to see my insides, though. they did a CT scan (i think that's what it's called) and the guy who did it was really cool. when i first came in i said i wanted to see it and he spieled off some rules about only my dr. could show me and he's not allowed and all, but then i was babbling about how the machine remined me of stargate and he got all chatty - talking about how cool stargate is and where did i want to be transported to. so when it was done, he let me come in the back and see the pictures of the insides of my body. it was really fucking cool. i saw my stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and all of that neat stuff. it looked kind of cartoonish because i had had to drink that nasty stuff that makes your insides glow. weird
wow. that was a lot of rambling about nothing. but anyway, i didn't die or have to have any body parts removed or anything and now i feel lots better, finally. not 100%, but maybe 75% or so. at least now i'm coherent.
and it's sunday, so nothing important to do today.
and my kid has gone to stay with my folks for a week or so, so i get to pretend i'm childless for a while. the sad thing is, i probably won't do anything any different.
and i get to go see ani difranco next week. yay!
damn, that was a long entry. thanks to everyone who left me nice comments this past week
wow. that was a lot of rambling about nothing. but anyway, i didn't die or have to have any body parts removed or anything and now i feel lots better, finally. not 100%, but maybe 75% or so. at least now i'm coherent.
and it's sunday, so nothing important to do today.
and my kid has gone to stay with my folks for a week or so, so i get to pretend i'm childless for a while. the sad thing is, i probably won't do anything any different.
and i get to go see ani difranco next week. yay!
damn, that was a long entry. thanks to everyone who left me nice comments this past week

I am heading on soon outta here, I think. Just ramblin' around the net.
and well maybe I'll stay cause I'm always online and one of my jobs requires me to be online 8 hours a day. Its fun. Too. Well shit ,I guess I'm stayin'!
You're my only buddy, but that's cool cause I like you.
Have fun having kid-free time!