IT HAS BEEN SO FUCKING LONG!But that is okay because I'm still kicking and I'm coming baaaaaack. There has been so much that has happened since the last time I was really active here on the site and it would take way way too much energy for me to type it all out for you guys right now. It's been good. It's been bad. It has been fucking hectic. I've really missed being a part of this community and I was a bit hesitant to start putting time into being present again just because I already have so much on my plate and I'm trying to get my mental health back to where it should be. BUT FUCK IT. I can't stay away :P
I've recently shot a new set with the fantastic @just_sick and I can't fucking wait to see how it turns out and share it with everyone. I'm going to try to schedule a few more sets in the next month or so to ensure that I am producing as much content for SG as I would like to.
THAT BEING SAID... While we wait for this new set to hit member review there will still be a lot going on!
I've started cosplaying again and I couldn't be happier about that. I felt like a part of me was completely missing for the couple years that I had to step back from it. I can't wait to share my progress with everyone! I'm currently redoing my Thor cosplay. So excited.
I'm going to be focusing a lot on my private snapchat as well as creating content for a Youtube channel.
Let me know in the comments what kind of content and cosplays (both SFW and NSFW) that you would like to see from me!
Also, if anyone is interested in this type of thing, I do cam MFC and can post here before going online if that is something you guys would want to join me for!! Let me know down in the comments ;)
** Photo above is from a past Patreon set