Well today is my daughters 3rd Birthday! I'm kinda sad to see my baby girl grow up, but i gues i just have to deal. The lucky kid is getting to go to Disney Land on Sunday. So we are going to have a blast! I'm excited, cuz i haven't been since i was about 2. So HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY!!!!!!
I also got my hair cut yesterday! I'm super happy with it....whitch is a good thing, cuz i hardly ever trust anyone to cut my hair. Anyway! I hope all ya'll like it as much as i do!!!! Here are a couple of pics of it!

I also got my hair cut yesterday! I'm super happy with it....whitch is a good thing, cuz i hardly ever trust anyone to cut my hair. Anyway! I hope all ya'll like it as much as i do!!!! Here are a couple of pics of it!

You're really beautiful, the hair looks great.
I'm going to disneyland too! I just don't know when, my grandparents are hooking up the free pass with club 33. Love that stuff, hope they do it by monday so that I can do it before I have to head back up to central cali.