Well Here i am! Sorry it took so long for me to post a new blog, but i'v been hella busy! First i was busy with doing renaissansce faire for 2 weekends in a row. So i was super duper tired from all of that. Plus my bf came to visit me in the middle of the 2 weekends of faire. So i have finally cought up on rest and starting to feel better....YAH, i was also really sick with a bad cold for all of this!!!! It fucking sucked ass. I even lost my voice! So it was great...the first time i have seen my bf in 8 months, and i hardly had a friggen voice! Anyway, now i am feeling much better and all rested up.......But, the busy times have only just started for me. I have been trying to get my make-up portfolio put togeather so i can get a job with M.A.C. cosmetics. I am going to speak to the counter manager tomorrow. She really liked me alot and wanted me to show her my work. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed to land this job. I'm also doing make-up for a wedding next weekend...so those photos will be great to add to my portfolio as well. So i'm a little stressed, but also Very excited! I'm very confadent in my work, and i know that i will got far. It's just the gettting myself out there part that can be alot of work.
Also in the prosses of doing all of this i'm trying to get ready to move me and my daughter over to Ri. We are going to be moving in with my bf. It's a very long haul since i'm here in cali, and he just HAS to be on the other fucking side of the country!!!! Man...the crazy shit you will do for love! Anyway....hope this will tell ya all just why i haven't had the time to blog much these days.
I'm also kinda excited cuz my b-day is on monday. I think a few of my friends are just gonna go out and do some drinking. It being my 23 b-day is not a very special one, but i hope i get to do SOMETHING!!!!
Well thats all for now! I hope i will have some time to make more updates soon!
Love you all!!!!!!!
Also in the prosses of doing all of this i'm trying to get ready to move me and my daughter over to Ri. We are going to be moving in with my bf. It's a very long haul since i'm here in cali, and he just HAS to be on the other fucking side of the country!!!! Man...the crazy shit you will do for love! Anyway....hope this will tell ya all just why i haven't had the time to blog much these days.
I'm also kinda excited cuz my b-day is on monday. I think a few of my friends are just gonna go out and do some drinking. It being my 23 b-day is not a very special one, but i hope i get to do SOMETHING!!!!
Well thats all for now! I hope i will have some time to make more updates soon!
Love you all!!!!!!!

happy birthday sexy!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Have a great day, get drunk, and be sure to tell us ALL about it in a few!! *hearts*