Wow chocolate IS the most horrable thing that was ever made!!!! Sucks that i like it so much!
Today was a lame ass day! First of lovely daughter decided to get into some lotion and put LARGE amounts all over her body and her clothes. I SWEAR I WATCH AND PAY ATTENTION TO MY KID!!!!!!!!!!....She did all of this wail i was peeing. A whole 1 min...and my daughter all of a suddin looks like she put too much sun screen on. lol
Some good news came my way though!
My bf called me, and as we were talking...he told me that his roomate will be moving out in Dec this year. So he's wanting me and my daughter move in by March of next year.
I'm soooooooooo excited and happy about this!!!! Normal plan was that i was gonna have to wait till about the middle of next summer to get to move in with him, but now...shit is moving along alot faster then we both thought. So I'm totaly excited!!!!!!! I miss him sooooooo fucking much. He's coming to visit me next month. I haven't seen him in almost 8 months now. So i can't wait to see my baby!!!
Anyway, thats all the news i got for now. I'll write again when something else intresting happens. lol
Today was a lame ass day! First of lovely daughter decided to get into some lotion and put LARGE amounts all over her body and her clothes. I SWEAR I WATCH AND PAY ATTENTION TO MY KID!!!!!!!!!!....She did all of this wail i was peeing. A whole 1 min...and my daughter all of a suddin looks like she put too much sun screen on. lol
Some good news came my way though!
My bf called me, and as we were talking...he told me that his roomate will be moving out in Dec this year. So he's wanting me and my daughter move in by March of next year.

Anyway, thats all the news i got for now. I'll write again when something else intresting happens. lol

thats cool you and your bf are getting to be together sooner rather tjhan later!!
how else you been my sexy lil hunny pot?
so you like Honey Pot? good to know, forgot how sexy you were, and i thought you were pretty damn sexy to begin with