There is a lot of mishegas happening with fan sites right now.
Most know this is the case every few years. Most know why. Yet, there are new people joining the conversation daily.
I have noticed a lot of differing opinions.
I would like to know yours....
Yes, I do have my own. My opinion(s) on these topics are fairly unwavering. I will refrain from sharing now...because I don't want to influence your responses.

@emanuel great points, a few more.. No matter how many sites you're on, how good your content is, etc... there is still a lot going on for the content creator. Think about how difficult it is to work or live when you're struggling personally. People are in this industry (talking about those making the choice to be, only) for many different reasons. A lot of them are disabled, have life conflicts, etc... that are the catalyst for this career. So much time and energy is put toward creating content, editing it, promoting it, and managing the site(s) this content is sold on. Many people are choosing to believe the current site won't kick SW's off. They're choosing to only want to view content on that site. This has been the case for a while (even with content on multiple sites). Making decisions like this, as a website, affects the livelihood of the people that use it. It removed security, stability, ability, etc. It creates massive amounts of worry. And it potentially affects a persons ability to care for themselves and loved ones. So, I find it interesting that when I post that I am moving.. I am attacked, mansplained, etc...on how to do my business. Told I have no reason to move. No reason to mistrust the site in question. From people that view content, not create it. Yet, as a person in the industry... I have been shown, that is untrue.

If you are interested on read a bit more about it: