The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been.
- Madeline L'Engle
Life is a process. We are a process. Everthing that has happened in our lives has happened for a reason and is an integral part of our becoming.
One of the challenges of our lives is to imtegrate the pieces of our lives as we live them. It is sometimes tempting to try and deny huge periods of our livesor forget significant events, especially if they have been painful. To try to erase our past is to rob ourselves of our own hard-earned wisdom.
There is not a child or adolescent within us. There is the child or adolescent that has grown into us.
When we realize that among the most important strengths that we bring to our work are the life experiences we have had and the ages we have been, maybe we will never resent getting older.
MY WISDOM emerges as I accept and integrate all that I have been andall that has happened to me.
Miss Olivia Black Suicide