I have been told that crying makes me soft and therefore of little consequence. As if softness has to be the price you pay to out power, rather than simply the one that's paid most easily and most often.
- Audre Lorde
Our tears and our softness are not valued much in this society. especially in the workplace. In the past, Women have been led to believe that we could gain indirect, manipulative power through our tears and are gentle willingness to take care of others her. Many modern women have rejected using our tears and gentleness to get what we want. Unfortunately, this rejection other gentler side has resulted in our trying to appear tough and aggressive and in our losing our wholeness. We are neither all soft nor all tough. We just are.
Sharing my tears and softness is an act of love. Sharing my strength and assertiveness is also an active love. When I share me, I am loving.
Miss Olivia Black Suicide