This week's homework is perfect in it's own way.....
@missy, @rambo, @lyxzen, @charmaine want to know what our worst Valentines Day was....well...I've got a story for this one.
6 years ago I was just starting beauty school in Las Vegas; I had been dating my girlfriend for just under a year...and I was in love. We were dealing with some troubling situations, but I had none of it mattered. But there were some very frustrating things I had been dealing with since we began dating. She was unfortunately an alcoholic, jumping from job to job, carless, and never paid any bills when she did make money. We lived together, so that left all of the responsibility to me. (i have a problem with taking care of people long after I shouldn't be).
She was also quite upset that I was still stripping, so I quit dancing and sought out a new job. Even though I was going to school full time, I still applied in person to every job possible. Monday before Saturday nights Valentine's Day, I got up super early and left to apply to all applicable stores in the Town Square mall. I tried to wake her up, but staying up until 5am drinking with her friends made her too tired. After I returned from a long tedious morning; I went back to my friends house that we were crashing with until our new place was ready, to get her up and head to the DMV. We both had to deal with paperwork there and had been putting it off.
I text her as I was driving home (about 20 mins away) that I was on my way to get her finally. When I arrived home, she was sitting in front of the computer and playing on MySpace. I walked in, sat on the bed, and asked her how long until she was ready. She didn't even look at me. I counted to 60 Mississippi..... I stood up and told her I was going to the DMV, and that she better be out of my home before I return. She finally looked at me and began to cry. I left.
When I got to the DMV, which was only 10 mins away, it was packed. I couldn't deal with that. I text her to say I was on my way back, but that she still had to go. I arrived back at home and sat on the bed in the far corner and I couldn't look at her. Not because I hated her, but because I wanted to tell her to stay. But I couldn't do that....I couldn't let her walk all over me. It was time for a change. Once she walked out of the house, I lost it. I finally let myself cry. Then I decided I had to go get her, I didn't want her to leave. My nose had began to run from the tears, so I swiped my arm across my face and tried to stand up. As I did I realized it was not running..but in fact bleeding and I had just flung an intense amount of blood across my friends wall.
I ran into the bathroom to clean myself up and flew out of the door....not in enough time.
I got into my car to smoke some weed, hide, and call her. I begged her to come back and explained why I did't make it outside to stop her. As I begged and begged for her to come back, another nose bleed started and I ruined my car seat..the car that was being repossessed. No matter what I said, she refused to return. She went to stay with the girl my recent ex cheated on me with...and I returned to school the next day.
I spent the next week, explaining why I did what I did, and that I was sorry. On Friday I took her to her favourite resturaunt, bough her flowers, and made her a card. I told her this was our Valentine's Day celebration, since I didn't want her to feel obligated (or expect) that we would do something the next day.
She invited me to dinner on Valentine's Day. It was her date to me. All I could see was our future again. I just wanted her to let me love her.
Saturday rolls around and it takes forever to get ahold of her. When I finally get her on the phone, she gives me the run around about the time she is coming over. She has to go to her moms house first and this and that. So many excuses. After wasting most of the day..she arrives. As soon as she walks in she gets on my computer, to play on MySpace. I had been waiting to shower, because she expressed wanting to shower together. As she play on the computer, she had a very continuous conversation via text. I knew something was up, so I asked who she was so intently texting and smiling about. She responded it was her mother. I asked why she was having such a long conversation with the person who's house she just went to, apparently she wasn't there when she went....but she had been at her moms house for over an hour...doing what??? She hated her mothers boyfriend and avoided going there for anything more than 5 minutes if her mother wasn't there.
I got up and said I was going to bathe and I would wait for her. I waited and waited...then gave up...she never arrived. As I was getting out 45 minutes later, she said she needed to shower. I just knew it was all wrong.
I am never one to search through peoples phones, but I deserved answers. She had of course hidden her phone, but that means nothing to a suspicious female. I opened her texts...and found what I was looking for.....
the conversation between her and what turned out to be her new girlfriend.....
New GF - So what's happening
My EX - Olivia is just not getting it. No matter what I say she still thinks we are going to get back together.
I was in shock and ran to the laundry room to cry. I cried for about 5 entire seconds....then I realized, I looked at the phone because I deserved an answer...the answer I got may have been painful, but it was an answer.
I walked back up stairs and caught her as she got out of the shower. I told her I wasn't feeling up to dinner. She asked what was wrong, I began to lie and say "Nothing".....but I needed to be honest.
I told her I checked her phone and I was't going to go out to dinner with someone that didn't want to be with me.
She came back with...."I know you don't have any friends, and I didn't want you to spend Valentine's Day alone"
I replied..."I would rather be alone than on a pity date"
She finished getting dressed and left.
My dogs were staying at her moms of course I had to pick them up. The friend I was staying with stated she didn't want dogs in the house because she was highly allergic (even though she got a dog a few years later). So I had to go....
I spent the next year of my life homeless.
The Day of Valentine's, I was at school and crying in my soup. A fellow student asked me what my GF and I were doing to celebrate (not realizing I was quite upset), so I looked up and lost it. She asked if I wanted to go outside and talk. We instantly hit it off and have been friends ever since. She had been single for 2 years and I had a feeling I was in it for the long haul. We began calling ourselves....
S.I.T.'s for Spinsters In Training.
later..this happened....
Even though I refuse to participate in this "holiday" I hope you all have a happy and love filled day. But all deserve that every day! muah!
Miss Olivia Black Suicide
P.S. What are your plans for this V-Day?