There is really nothing more to say-except why. But since why is difficult to handle, one must take refuge and how.
-Toni Morrison
They're often events in our lives that just do not make sense. In spite of our best efforts, projects fail. It is important to take stock of the situation and except our part and the failure and then move on. When we get stuck on the Y, we can stay stuck for a long time. We still want to understand, but it is so difficult to admit that somethings just make no sense. Remember, "Whying is Dying." Faith in living does not ask why. Faith in living asks how and does it.
THE EVENT may not be the problem. I need to understand it may be the problem.
What I'm actually saying is that we need to let our intuition guide us, and then be willing to follow that guidance directly and fearlessly.
-Shakti Gawain
One of the most frightening things in the world is to trust our intuition and follow that trusting. It is hard for us to believe that what the Quakers call our "inner light" is really the way our power greater than ourselves speaks most clearly to. When we are one with ourselves and our process, we are truly one with the process of the universe. When we are one with ourselves, our lives seem to fall into place effortlessly. All of us know the feeling of moments of effortless living. When we have the courage to trust our intuition, life begins with itself.
MY INTUITION connects me with the voice I need to hear.