Whew...what a week!!!!
So, I am sure a lot of you are well aware my website has been down for sometime now, plus I had to take on the expense of Minnie's medical attention, and it's just been a hellacious few months overall....so I have been dancing my ass of these last few weeks!!!! (which cuts into my SuicideGirls blogging time!!!)(unacceptable if you ask me) haha
But, forget about the bitching....on to the blogging!!!!!
As you may know, I have been working on my @missy, @rambo, and @charmaine's SG army homework!!! Well, today's blog is about my first tattoo!!!
(I will give you a bit of back story before I tell you which one it was exactly.)
My mother used to call me "Bug" when I was a child; were she still around, I am sure she would still. This nickname translated into a deep passionate love of butterflies!! All things butterflies!
I have always been one to read into the world around me. I don't take medications, I use natural and holistic methods of home, body, and animal care, I am Vegan, and I believe in signs/omens. I think the entire world has something to say, you just have to be quiet and listen.
While I was in New Orleans shooting for/with Crate & Castle; Janel's husband gave me The Alchemist to read and learn. It was perfect timing. I was at a real turning put in my life. I was trying to decide if I wanted to continue to follow this career I am so passionate about; and I was in the process of removing another deceiving untrustworthy person from my life. I was losing, what felt like everything; I have been working for. I didn't know if I could chase it any longer. After a night out at dinner; and me telling them of my crippling depression, that left me glued to the floor in the airport, I was told about the book. He explained it had changed many people's lives and may help me just the same.
shirt by: Crate & Castle
The book could not have come at a more perfect time. I read it during my remaining days in New Orleans and finished not long after returning to Vegas.
One of my favourite passages from the book explained my entire life.
"He remembered something his grandfather had once told him; that butterflies were a good omen. Like crickets, and like grasshoppers; like lizards and four-leaf clovers."
My life's work is centered around tattoos and I have tattooed many a butterfly. I have literally tattooed my omens on my skin, just as I have my life's stories and memories. I will forever be thankful to Crate & Castle and all they have done for me. They have helped me see my path in life, and continue to pursue it.
dress by: Crate & Castle
So....Now what you have all been waiting for....my first tattoo!!!!!
I was 18 years old, a senior in high school; and already dedicated to the idea of a body suit, since the age of 16. I asked my father if I could get a tattoo when I turned 18; my birthday is in October, so I spend most of the school year older than the rest. I wanted a butterfly on the back of my neck (I was 18 haha); he said I could in fact get the tattoo and he would take me.
A few weeks later I started working at a tattoo shop, as the receptionist. I don't think my father took too kindly to this; but hey, I am nothing if not a rebel. After working there for a week, I asked the owner if he would tattoo that butterfly on me. I changed my mind on the location and somehow ended up getting it behind my fathers back.
One of my favourite flower is the sunflower, I wanted to eventually have the butterfly landing on one...do you know which it is now?
panties by Pretty Glam Special
After getting my first tattoo in April, I had my first 5 in four months. I hid all of my tattoos from my dad until I was 21 and began my sleeve. I bet he knew any how.
The next step SuicideGirls!
Today, I am going to combine two blogs.....
I want to thank you again for all of your wonderful love and support during Minnie's recovery. We went to the vet for her final visit! As the Dr. took her away to remove her staples, she finally said she had a serious brush with death. This is something we all knew, but never wanted to say. After 2.5 days at Desert Animal Hospital, a failed blood transfusion, decline for surgery due to the lack of blood (renewal), she was sent home wrapped up and hoping for the best. She was still at 18% blood levels; but after a bad reaction to the first transfusion, and too fearful to try it again, I took her home.
I agreed with the Dr. Willey; Minnie is a sensitive creature, going home may be the best for her overall. She was far too upset to relax from all of the trauma of the attack as well as the trauma of the recovery. She needed to be at home, around her husband, her sisters, and her things.
I set up a tiny little bed in the middle of my bed (she is afraid she will fall off of the side), and I watched her every move. I had barely slept since I returned from Chicago after the Pitchfork Fest and the first few nights after Minnie's return home were no different. I listened to her every breath, checked her gums for a healthier pinkish colour, checked for bleeding, gave her antibiotics and pain relievers, and made sure she was as comfortable as possible.
We were afraid of losing her due to some simple reason we didn't see; so I was still left worrying, even though she was home once again. I woke Saturday morning panicked that she was still internally bleeding. Since we were unable to do the surgery, we were taking a chance that the bleeding would stop if a compression bandage was applied. I didn't think it had, so frantically rushed her back to the hospital. After blood work we saw that after almost 72 hours at 18% blood levels, she was up to 20% levels in under than 24 hours. I could not have been more proud of her!
We had to return to the vet's office every 2 days (until last Saturday) to change her bandage. The doctors even joked that she now had an entire wardrobe of them!
Well; today we had the staples removed, and got the results of her last blood test!!! She is now at 36% blood levels, still a little low...but on the up and up. She has also completely returned to her active, loving, barking self!!!! She is running around, playing, talking, and jumping in circles! She couldn't thank you all enough either!!!!!
And I can't thank you all and The Desert Inn Animal hospital enough!!!!! You all did more for me than I could ever imagine or expect! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
Minnie is even back to sticking her tongue out in every photo! (heading home after her staple removal)
I hope you all have a wonderful night! and A glorious weekend!!!! <3
Miss Olivia Black Suicide
P.S. I am shooting my Ninja Turtles and Breaking Bad cosplay sets tomorrow!!!!!