She's still at dangerously low blood levels; but she had a bad reaction to the transfusion yesterday. They're too nervous to do it again. Her blood level is stable even though it's low, so we decided her coming home might help relax her so she can recover and start producing her own blood. Her colour is better, and she is more alert; but they couldn't do surgery so we're still unsure if she has an arterial bleed.
But she now has more street creed than ever before.....and handles it like a true G.....
And how cute are the hearts Desert Inn Animal Hospital put on her bandages!!!! (I can't get the Hot Hot Heat song out of my head! hahaha)
BUT! Her loving husband Mr. JuJu Black is very happy she is home! <3
And about 20 mins ago, I took her outside to pee and she took the time to wag her tail and bark at some birds!!!!!
I honestly can't thank you all enough for everything you've done for me through this and the last few months. I have been going through a lot these last few months and this really killed me! But you all came in with love, support, hope, donations, and compassion! I really can't thank you enough, but in an effort to at least thank you a little bit; I'm going to post a brand new short series of photos I just took in Chicago with Jeramie Ryan!!!!!
I will be posting it tonight or early in the morning, just depending upon her needs.
Thank you again so so very much!!!! <3