Sorry if this blog is a bit jumbled, I am really losing it, and have just gotten of the phone with the vet....
Last night her blood levels were in the 25% range, they wrapped her wounds, and were hoping there was no internal bleeding and that the blood loss came from the course of the day(they couldn't see internal bleeding on the X-ray and she was too unstable to perform surgery at that time)
Well, she is trying to walk around, but is very wobbly and her blood levels have continued to drop; she is now at 18%. We are back to thinking she has internal bleeding, she is starting the blood transfusion now, but will need to wait until after 3pm PST. to do the exploratory surgery.
We are hoping she doesn't go into shock, and that the surgery will show she only needs a few staples and some more rest.
I am going to lay down again, I've had barely 3 hours of sleep and feel like my heart is breaking into small parts and letting go in small doses