As most of you know, I am an extreme animal lover; you can see this through my Vegan lifestyle, and the fact that I care for a small farm haha
Well, today; I had my worst fears come to my doorstep....
Minnie is my middle Chihuahua, she has been with me since she was around 10 weeks; and is now almost 10 years. I adopted her because my first Chihuahua; JR, became depressed after I moved out of my family's home. JR was raised in a home with his "dog father" and when him and I set out on our life's journey after I graduated high school; he grew lonely and I found him a wife. When she came home she had the sweetest disposition and face, she looked like a tiny fat mouse; so I named her Minnie, after Ms. Minnie Mouse.
She is one of the sweetest, kindest, most gentle creatures I have ever met; and had the pleasure of loving.
The two of them have been inseperable since she came home.
Well, today while she was basking in the morning Vegas sun(one of her favorite things to do); a dog broke into my yard and attacked her. I heard the commotion and ran to her aid. The altercation had ended prior to my arrival, but the damage was done.
I cleaned her up, and kept a close watch on her throughout the day....I am sad to say it got a lot worse. If you look at the first photo you notice a purplish swollen pocket; it had all of the signs of internal bleeding. No matter what I did, the wound wouldn't stop bleeding either, finally I was just too worried not to rush her to the ER.
At first the vet was extremely fearful of her condition, infection has already begun to set in, she has 3 or 4 broken ribs, is down to 25.3% blood levels, and is intense shock. She has to have surgery in the morning (they wanted to get her vitals up and make sure she makes it through the night), she may need a blood transfusion since she has lost almost all of hers (we are currently thinking she doesn't have internal bleeding after her blood work; but won't know for sure until her morning surgery). Her gums are ghostly white, but we are growing more confident it due to the shock and not a more serious issue.
I am stressed to say the very least, I have never dealt with this issue, and I have never had severely ill children. I am sick just thinking of the worst possibilities; and I am hoping she doesn't have to have the transfusion. I have already spent my August rent on her current treatment, and don't know what I will do if she needs more. I have been up waiting to not get a call from the vet (no call means she is fine and there has been no changes to be alerted of).
I was thinking about giving away prints for donations to help cover her vet bills, and a wonderfully amazing friend and artist is going to offer drawings and paintings for donations as well.
If you all have any ideas for donation items, please feel free to tell me!
We are going to need all of the help we can get. I wish I had an instax camera for a moment like this, at least that way you guys each get something that's a bit more personal; but hopefully that will come in the future!
Thank you all for your love and support, we need all of the positive vibes we can get.
I am going to try and get some rest, I hope you have a glorious day; and I will update you as soon as I have new information......cross your fingers that it's all good.