I had the most amazing time tonight with some fellow SG's! We met up at the Cosmo to talk some official SG business. There were so many more girls than I realized lived in this fair city I call home!
It was such an honour meeting all of the newest(to my life) ladies! They are so sweet and beautiful, I am so blessed to be apart of such a wonderful group of likeminded womyn!
Afterward we went to eat at China Poblano (thankfully they accommodate us vegans haha), then @bradley @bixton @liryc and I went to The Linq!
I had never been there before....and those of you who now me, know I have problems going to places for the first time.
Thankfully I had these lovely ladies to persuade me to get over my silly fears (even if it was for only a night)
I had such a wonderful evening, all in the midsts of being sick. They really turned my week around!
And if all goes well @bradley and I will be heading to LA for the next @blackheartburlesque tour auditions this coming week!!
Then I am off to Chicago for the pitchfork music festival!