I've been worrying that my time is a little unclear.....
What do you do when you lose faith? Faith in yourself and faith in your existence? We all live in the confines of fear. What do you do when the fear is so debilitating you literally can't move anymore? That moment when your thoughts are so loud and so heavy you are no longer human, you're a shell of a person existing in this unknown life, in an unknown world. What does it do to you mentally when you want to run away from it all, when you want to leave all that you love to never look back. The moment you're willing to walk away from the only things you ever loved; pretending it never mattered. What do you do when you hate all that you love.
How do you get yourself out of such an evil state? Is it worth the fight? Is it worth keeping? All of it or just some?
I will become what I deserve.
I do art, do some writing, i go take photos, go on hikes in the woods, and go to some historic sites.
"A blue bird carries the all the sky on his back" - Thoreau