<a href="/members/s5/">s5</a> and i saw michael moore's film "bowling for columbine" tonight, and were so impressed that we want you to see it too - on us.
if you are a SuicideGirls current member, s5 and i will reimburse your ticket price for seeing bowling for columbine. just keep your ticket stub, and either fax it, scan it & email it, or mail it to us (<a href="/boards/The+Site/6539/">click here for details</a>
with your username and contact details, and we'll paypal or mail you reimbursment for your ticket price.
bowling for columbine is playing in theatres <a href="http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/about/theaters.php" target="_blank">all over the USA and Canada</a>. one ticket only per member. thanks!
if you are a SuicideGirls current member, s5 and i will reimburse your ticket price for seeing bowling for columbine. just keep your ticket stub, and either fax it, scan it & email it, or mail it to us (<a href="/boards/The+Site/6539/">click here for details</a>
bowling for columbine is playing in theatres <a href="http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/about/theaters.php" target="_blank">all over the USA and Canada</a>. one ticket only per member. thanks!