The newest, hottest goss from O-Town:
1. I went to Comic-Con and it was fantastic. s5, le and I stayed with austie_jonez and his lovely fiancee. I met James Callis (Gaius Fucking Baltar) and Noel Fielding signed my Boosh book and I saw other exciting celebrities on panels such as John Barrowman on Torchwood and almost the entire cast of True Blood. I also got to meet Cherry which I was very excited about because she is like one of my all-time fav SGs. She is filled with gorgeous dimply goodness. Also it was nice to see Rigel and Nixon and Viquiv again at the SG booth!
2. I have a gigantic, expansive deck. My deck can accomodate up to 50 people at once. Ladies long to bask on my sexy, hot deck. It also has a trapdoor to service the manhole. OHHHH it's not sexy anymore is it? Ok let's be serious. What was once a nasty, barren expanse of roof is now a glorious, FSC wood-covered deck.
3. I signed up to swim from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in the SF bay. It's part of a triathlon but my friend Kelly and I are doing the swim only. Maybe next year I'll train for the triathlon, assuming I don't die of exhaustion or get eaten by sharks during this year's ill-advised antics. I have under 2 months to learn the front crawl. Anyone in SF a swimming coach and want to give me cheap lessons? Save me from drowning plz!
4. I signed up for a Crossfit Level 1 cert. My first step to being able to whip other people's asses into shape. I think I'll be a good coach! Yes? YES!!! NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 20, MAGGOTS!

1. I went to Comic-Con and it was fantastic. s5, le and I stayed with austie_jonez and his lovely fiancee. I met James Callis (Gaius Fucking Baltar) and Noel Fielding signed my Boosh book and I saw other exciting celebrities on panels such as John Barrowman on Torchwood and almost the entire cast of True Blood. I also got to meet Cherry which I was very excited about because she is like one of my all-time fav SGs. She is filled with gorgeous dimply goodness. Also it was nice to see Rigel and Nixon and Viquiv again at the SG booth!
2. I have a gigantic, expansive deck. My deck can accomodate up to 50 people at once. Ladies long to bask on my sexy, hot deck. It also has a trapdoor to service the manhole. OHHHH it's not sexy anymore is it? Ok let's be serious. What was once a nasty, barren expanse of roof is now a glorious, FSC wood-covered deck.
3. I signed up to swim from Alcatraz to Aquatic Park in the SF bay. It's part of a triathlon but my friend Kelly and I are doing the swim only. Maybe next year I'll train for the triathlon, assuming I don't die of exhaustion or get eaten by sharks during this year's ill-advised antics. I have under 2 months to learn the front crawl. Anyone in SF a swimming coach and want to give me cheap lessons? Save me from drowning plz!
4. I signed up for a Crossfit Level 1 cert. My first step to being able to whip other people's asses into shape. I think I'll be a good coach! Yes? YES!!! NOW DROP AND GIVE ME 20, MAGGOTS!
