Thank you so much @missy and @rambo for putting me on the front page! My experience on suicide girls has been nothing short of magical. This place is better than Disney, and I love Disney. I just wanted to get deep for a second and share why this is such an important journey for me.
Growing up I have a very unique look. I never looked like the other girls and for some reason that was a big problem for them. I've been made fun of in some form or fashion since second grade. People come up with very interesting ways to call you ugly when they have years to think about it. I switched schools but mean people are everywhere. I had a boyfriend once tell me that he was embarrassed to be seen with me because all his friends thought I was ugly. There are no words to explain what that does to a little girl.
When I met my husband, I was shocked, literally awed, that someone like him would find me attractive. He is the reason I shot this set. He singlehandedly showed me through love and affirmation that I am beautiful and worthy. @oldfashionedgent I love you!
Anyway, point is...this place has been a safe haven for me. I have seen more beauty and love here than anywhere in my life. I am passionate about sharing each woman's beauty and this is the perfect avenue for it.
This got long and real, but thank you. Thank you for making this a place for all people and for the love you've put into it.
I'm adding another sneak peek because I'm amazed at these pictures!
xo olive