long live Harry Twatter!
lols, pubes are funny... and I forget about the politics around them. Been doing a lot of indie dyke-dyke porn, and they don't really tend to care much one way or the other, at least in my experience.
I actually often like girls better shaved, personally. It depends. Some girls (like myself) who are very small and androgynous look a bit too pre-pubescent for me if they're completely shaved.
But then again, shaving is pretty darn fun.
... almost as much fun as waxing

ANnyWhos, thankyou SO much for the warm welcome so far! <3
It is very much appreciated.
Oh, and the video is by one of my superhero favorites, AmandaFuckingPalmer

If you haven't heard her other stuff, you should.
Like, right now.
seriously, now.
It's ok. I'll wait.
i agree, on some girls completely shaving is too much, at least leave a little strip or something
Tried to "fashion" my "region" in the shape of micky mouse once ... (jus coz)... ended up looking more like gonzo from the muppets. Past the the time.