Yay! My first set has just been accepted for review! Its all self-shot (whew!) in what used to be a real life medical fetish dungeon (private message me for more info!). It was built to mimic the slaughterhouse used in the classic "white room" latex movies. The room has always called to me for something extra creepy, so when I had the opportunity to play in it I was ecstatic. The superawesomecreepy mannequins I used were homemade by a friend and the dress was a thrift store steal. I'd been wanting to do an SG shoot for a LONG time but it was worth the wait. In the end, everything came together much better here.
I had a FANTASTIC time shooting it, and I think you can tell.
wish me luck! can't wait to do more <3


it goes live for member review October 28th
I had a FANTASTIC time shooting it, and I think you can tell.
wish me luck! can't wait to do more <3


it goes live for member review October 28th
and, at the very least THIS STUFF IS FUN! #exhibitionistfortehwins