been watching the news for someting like 7 hours straight, finally gave up, i'm not optimistc for kerry but we'll see

i'm somewhat chagrined by the popular vote, i've argued forever that the electoral college is crap and should be done away with so by my own argument and based on the numbers that i have to concede that bush should be the victor. i...
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i just got off the phone with a friend from minneapolis and in the midst of the conversation she dropped some news that really bummed me out. she said that she heard that first avenue nightclub locked their doors and handed out pink slips to all their employees today

i've been going to first ave. since i was 15, nearly 15 years ago, i've seen...
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to add to my entry, the history of the club, been open for 30 years, purple rain was filmed there, the clash played there, james brown sweated on that stage, ike and tina played there


and a photo

got word today that my check is being mailed to me next week, i'm so freakin psyched, i'm still gonna be a bit broke until then but when it comes i can get my new camera (rebel digital), pay off my loan, catch up with bills and buy a new bed that i can actually fit on without my feet hanging off

took some pictures...
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i've officially flipped my sleeping habits, but it's not that bad cause i actually have a sleeping habit now, which is rare for me. go to store for beer at midnight, eat dinner at 1am, watch old movies on cable, go to bed at dawn, sleep till noonish, take a bit of a nap at 8-ish. i'm getting more sleep than i've gotten in like...
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um, i stayed up late, i got up late, i drank beer, i sat around and watched movies, i smoked too many cigarettes, i ate badly

that's what i've been doing, that's what i will be doing

that is all

why did someone who likes rain move to the desert? good question

nice lazy rainy day today, actually i got a ton of stuff done. cleaned up some of my junk in the garage, wrote oodles and oodles and am really hapy about what i got down. alright, maybe that's not a ton of stuff, but i'm happy

i've been waiting for my brother to...
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i got stupid drunk last night for absolutely no reason and i still feel like ass, all i want to do is sleep but i'm wide awake and have a two minute attention span, keep shutting down the computer, turning on the tv, turning off the tv, picking up a book, putting it down, restarting the computer, rinse, repeat

will smoeone come over and hit...
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Eh...that might hurt.
so when i went back to minnesota for a wedding a couple weeks ago, a mere few weeks after i moved away, i found a box of old letters in my parents basement. i thought i'd destroyed them years ago but i guess i was mistaken

anyway, they were written by a girl i was dating back in high school while she was in a...
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I know one guy that did (had a "normal" tranditional childhood)...but it's not common these days. *Shrugs*
Hey Oliver,

You and I have a lot in common, you should join my Group, West Wing, new season starts on Wednesday hopefully there'll be something to talk about. Anyway nice to meet you.

[Edited on Oct 17, 2004 8:19PM]
I've been kind of avoiding my phone latey due to credit cards caling me wanting their money, which I don't really have since I'd prefer to, you know, eat and I missed a call from my younger brother this afternoon

So later on in the evening I'm watching a movie ("saved", excellent) and I miss another call from him and he sounds kind of odd...
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fuck finding a job, i'm just gonna wait till i'm out of money and get a job at the circle k, went to the medical job fair instead of the big one at the civic center and it was kind of a wash, don't think anything will come of it, hospitals don't seem to be too interested in geeks with no degree, even if they've...
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And I had such grand plans for the day, a few errands, maybe take some pictures, take a much needed trip to the post office to mail some very overdue bills, but no, those fuckers at Bravo ruined all that

Why oh why did I turn on the TV and find that they were doing a West Wing marathon today, bastards, so I sat on...
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And I had such grand plans for the day, a few errands, maybe take some pictures, take a much needed trip to the post office to mail some very overdue bills, but no, those fuckers at Bravo ruined all that

Why oh why did I turn on the TV and find that they were doing a West Wing marathon today, bastards, so I sat on...
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