I think the baby ducks are going to die...
Blain has two ducks, and the mother layed about 9 eggs, but she has stoped sitting on them. We were so excited for baby duckies, but now I'm scared that they aren't going to ever hatch.
This weekend we are driving to North Dakota for a wedding, it will take about 12 hours to get there. Not looking forward to the drive, but the visit should be fun. We're going to eat the best pizza ever... according to Blain, then go bowling before the wedding. That's enough to keep this girl happy.
Blain has two ducks, and the mother layed about 9 eggs, but she has stoped sitting on them. We were so excited for baby duckies, but now I'm scared that they aren't going to ever hatch.

This weekend we are driving to North Dakota for a wedding, it will take about 12 hours to get there. Not looking forward to the drive, but the visit should be fun. We're going to eat the best pizza ever... according to Blain, then go bowling before the wedding. That's enough to keep this girl happy.
They are the physically perfect foul.
A) Eagles, hawks and other noble birds of prey are beautiful creatures. BUT, when they are born, they are U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi. They are fucking ugly little downy "yucklings."
B) Chickens are SO damn cute when they pop out of that egg, but then they become these hideous, unsightly but delicious yardbirds.
So, we have noble birds of prey go from ugly to beautiful and chickens which go from lovely to hideous.
NOW, I bring you THE DUCK.
The duck pops out of its egg and is so cute! Then it grows up to be... a bigger version of itself as a duckling! They look good throughout their entire lives!
However, all birds are a little oily, especially ducks.
I wish the best to the little ducklings...
I hope they turned out ok.