You probably tired of me with words of gratitude)😅
But again I want to say thanks to this site, this community! Models that motivate, inspire. Creators who did the incredible: helped many girls accept themselves and find friends! To everyone who supports us like that! To everyone who continues to be inspired thanks to us!
Thank you! @missy @rambo @sean @lemon ❤️🙏🏼
I’m still a fan of this site, I’m still unrealistically inspired by everything connected with it! I am grateful for such an opportunity to show myself real, for the opportunity to work, to see the world, grateful for sincerity, grateful for a new family, for new friends!
I have no words and my emotions sincerely overwhelm me! I am motivated and happy as never before and I would like to hug each of you, my dears!
I'm proud to be officially named suicide girl!
You can’t imagine how much you all changed my life and made it better! I accepted and loved myself, I changed internally and externally. I make mistakes, I learn from them thanks to you, I become more attentive and calmer.
Simple human and female thanks!