morning girls
i just watched the sg video of shenni in italy. it is so cute, where she is picking an outfit out to wear. and the song by paper jones is sweet, ive been trying to go to the web site but it seems to be broken. i really like that song, theyre gona be huge, i bet. anyways, ive been brazing the site , reading lots of stuff in the limbo lounge. it seems it takes about 6 months on the average from the time you get accepted to to the time your set goes live. hmmm, what else, oh todays new her. she is so young, flawless, smooth, and naughty, how come all the hot girls on SG are either from italy or sweden. has anybody noticed that anyways, im gonna go have a smoke and make me some good ol fashioned american pancakes with bananas and whip cream. yum.
p.s. im shooting with sawa on the 13th...cant wait.

i just watched the sg video of shenni in italy. it is so cute, where she is picking an outfit out to wear. and the song by paper jones is sweet, ive been trying to go to the web site but it seems to be broken. i really like that song, theyre gona be huge, i bet. anyways, ive been brazing the site , reading lots of stuff in the limbo lounge. it seems it takes about 6 months on the average from the time you get accepted to to the time your set goes live. hmmm, what else, oh todays new her. she is so young, flawless, smooth, and naughty, how come all the hot girls on SG are either from italy or sweden. has anybody noticed that anyways, im gonna go have a smoke and make me some good ol fashioned american pancakes with bananas and whip cream. yum.
p.s. im shooting with sawa on the 13th...cant wait.

You don't know how much you just made me blush, thanks so much.