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1. Seven things to do before I die:
1) have another baby
2) Travel ..go to where i was born...moscow
3) buy a home
4) get married in a hot pink wedding dress
5) Shoot more two-girl/multi-girl sets.....agree with morgan
6) open a sober living home for women and their kids
7) have a pet monkey
2. Seven Things I cannot do
1) sing whatsoever
2) cancel my myspace account....heheheh
3) forgive this one asshole...mr. halstead...burn in hell
4) Run a mile without stopping...I need to get in shape.
5) play guitar/ i totally suck
6) not hug and kiss my son everyday
7) heroin, ever again...yuck
3. Seven things that attract me to where I live
1) Most of my best friends are here
2) the ocean...ahhh.....the calming sounds of waves
3) the weather ...always sunny
4) the cleanliness of the city
5) my parents being two blocks away.
6) its not scummy like hollywood
7) the pier and its games.....merrigoround-bumber cars, the boats
4. Seven things I say most often
1) amazing
2) rad
3) totally
4) im counting to three( i have a kid)
5) do you want a time out?
6) give it to me please...
7) baby
5. Seven books (or series) that I love
1) hes just not that into you
2) god is a verb
3) where the sidewalk ends
4) wheres maisy?
5) struggle for intimacy
6) just for today
7) alcoholic anonymous
6. Seven movies/dvds I watch over and over again
1) friday
2) harold and maude
3) Almost Famous
4) kill bill
5) true romance
6) lost highway
7) wedding crashers
7. Seven people I want to join in, too:
1) manko
2) pippi
4) jinx
5) lily
6) bella
7) conart

Thank you!