Not my most interesting photo ever, but snakes are rare enough around here that I thought it was worth capturing. This guy (girl?) was pretty nervous about me getting so close, but was okay as long as I didn't cut off all the escape routes. I feel like that, more often than not...

So I've started reading "The Quincunx" by Charles Palliser. I'm only about 30 pages in, so not much to say, yet. However... the first two pages which introduce the protagonist suggest very strongly (via the use of a female pronoun and a reference to wearing a "frock") that the protagonist is female. Subsequent pages make it clear that the protagonist is male. Typos? Or something weird? Hopefully the remaining 750 pages will make that clear. I'll keep you posted.
I've posted my Hitchhiker's review in my journal. Read at your leisure. Go see the flick; it's enjoyable, if not impressive.
I'm glad I could make your day!
Thanks for the comment on my video.