So I was broke flat there for a while, but I'm back. Hope everyone's been well

- GHosT
Just spent hours on end updating and coding tthe website and forums and whatnot...please drop by and give it a look smile



looks interesting......
Happy Valentines Day kids...enjoy it wink


[Edited on Feb 13, 2006 10:08PM]
Busy as hell lately..been crunching on toward release of the book. Still trying to get all of the illustrations taken care of and looking for places to tour. So if any of you folks have gaming stores in your town or gaming groups at colleges or whatnot, feel free to drop a line. As it is everything seems to be cming together for May, so...
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Happy Valentines kids. Enjoy it wink

Tonight, light a candle for love, for friends, for family, for honor and virtue and a world that still remains even if only in memories. For everyone celebrates the longest night and the light and the darkness this time of year, whether they know or will admit to it or not.

Many will forget everyday that som many things are taken for granted,that so many...
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Hey there, thanks I hope you had a good Yule smile I've still got 6 months to go till Yule wink
yeah ok i'll let you break my all female friends list. tongue

Hope you had a good holiday, mine was good.
Take my poll

er....*cough* do my survey for fun...ii made it up for one of my girlfriends friends...so here ya go, prove to me you actually read my page wink

1. When you look up at the stars at night, what do you see?

2. If 99.5% of the population of the world was killed off by a plague and various natural disasters and you were...
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1. Not a lot

2. Cry

3. I don't know cause I can never remember song names

4. Not

5. Depends on why he/she was my enemy

6. No.... except for when I watched Poltergeist

7. How do I what?

8. I have never been indestructable. But someday....

9. No

10. Probably something animal related

11. Grinch because I don't know who the seasick crocodile is

12. 1981. Blue.

13. You won't feel silly when they pick broccoli out of your teeth.
that survey is way long.

i would love to answer it but...comments call...

thanks so much for the comment on my set, hon! smile
Hey Everyone, web site's up for my role-playing game/publishing company. It's not totally finished yet, but is currrently functional. Please drop by and check it out and lemme know whatcha think.

Love live, indeed.
So if there's anyone out there who's interested in what's going on with my role-playing game (Seven13: Cycle of Existence), I made a livejournal for it to post updates on production until i can get the website up...the url is:


please drop by sometime.

- GHosT
hope you have a happy turkey day smile

gobble gobble
Thirteen Years of work

Thirteen Years of Eatinng, sleeping and breathing role-playing games.

Today I finally finished the book. My life's legacy

Seven13: the Cycle of Existence

Look for it in stores December 2005 or early 2006.

Praise be the gods.
Working 18 hour days on the game is really starting to kick my ass...but damn if it isn't worth it at the same time.

I've been working on the same dream for more than 13 years now, over half my life, and i'm finally right on the brink of making it all happen. It's a hellofa feeling i gotta say.

For those of you out...
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