Well I'm around here, I promise, but I'm notoriously bad about updating anything online. Perhaps it's the ADHD - I get to typing some long-winded, drawn out post and somewhere in the middle I get completely sidetracked or forget what I was writing about at all. I get up and get a soda and completely forget.
Oddly enough I quit smoking last week. I just sort of got tired of it, I suppose, which is rather odd considering I was practically an advocate for smoking since I was about 15. So now I have my caffeine and that's about it. Perhaps my vices are getting boring. It will probably be a good while before my lungs have any real semblance of healing, but I do notice a difference.
I will get some new pictures soon. The one I have right now is damn near 2 years old i guess. My hair is a lot longer and my sunglasses are a bit lighter. I'm working on my next book here and there, probably more though when Fall rolls around - autumn and winter have always been my times for writing, the heat here in Texas just sort of takes it out of me. I hope all of you are well and feel free to drop me a line anytime - it helps kick me to a certain extent and makes me be more social.
- GHosT
Oddly enough I quit smoking last week. I just sort of got tired of it, I suppose, which is rather odd considering I was practically an advocate for smoking since I was about 15. So now I have my caffeine and that's about it. Perhaps my vices are getting boring. It will probably be a good while before my lungs have any real semblance of healing, but I do notice a difference.
I will get some new pictures soon. The one I have right now is damn near 2 years old i guess. My hair is a lot longer and my sunglasses are a bit lighter. I'm working on my next book here and there, probably more though when Fall rolls around - autumn and winter have always been my times for writing, the heat here in Texas just sort of takes it out of me. I hope all of you are well and feel free to drop me a line anytime - it helps kick me to a certain extent and makes me be more social.
- GHosT