Villainous Villainess
Is the name of my cat apparently. Let me tell you, folks, I'm not an animal person at all - I've been very content now for some time with my plant. Last night, while Church and I were running my RPG, there was this crash at the door, shortly preceded by the heathen kids that run around this housing project. I shook my...
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Is the name of my cat apparently. Let me tell you, folks, I'm not an animal person at all - I've been very content now for some time with my plant. Last night, while Church and I were running my RPG, there was this crash at the door, shortly preceded by the heathen kids that run around this housing project. I shook my...
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Well I'm around here, I promise, but I'm notoriously bad about updating anything online. Perhaps it's the ADHD - I get to typing some long-winded, drawn out post and somewhere in the middle I get completely sidetracked or forget what I was writing about at all. I get up and get a soda and completely forget.
Oddly enough I quit smoking last week. I just...
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Oddly enough I quit smoking last week. I just...
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Happy Winter Solstice.
Light a candle for those in darkness, for the lost, for the forgotten and remember that there is always hope in even the longest of nights.
Light a candle for those in darkness, for the lost, for the forgotten and remember that there is always hope in even the longest of nights.
awesome! gsybe would be perfect muse for writing....hmm
It was great to meet you and thank you so much for the shirts, the girls loved them. I hope to see you around soon!
Well I'm back again, I was out for a while there doing this and that with the book or looking for work on the side. Hope everyone's been well and feel free to drop a line.
Well I'm back on tour (sort of) this week to Anaheim, CA - I'll be at GenCon at the Anaheim Convention Center from Thursday 'til Sunday if anyone wants to drop by or is gonna be there already. There could be free T-Shirts involved.
I was reading a few different books. Mostly "Alice in Wonderland," but also some Anne Rice and "The Lesbian Sex Book"

I love the Alice books, they've always been influences in my own storytelling. I never got into Anne Rice, I just couldn't keep up with her after Interview. I liked it a lot but I think I had a different idea about vampires and whatnot than she did. The Lesbian Sex Book i've never read 

Happy Hallowe'en everyone. I'll be out tonight trick-or-treating with my kids and enjoying the weather.
Hope yours is excellent.
- Ashe

Hope yours is excellent.
- Ashe
So I noticed you dug the last bailey set! If you are interested you can read about behind the scenes info in my Oct. 31st journal entry. So did you notice the burning car? Most people mised it. Its our fun little "plant".
Well after 13 years of design and work and two years of publishing, laying out and getting everything ready to go I'm finally out on the road on tour promoting the book. It's been pretty easy so far, I had a good following out in Houston and San antonio's been well. I'm out in Austin on Sunday then back in denton for a few days....
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So a few years back I wrote a bit of instrumental music. While these days I generally just get out and play open mic nights or small venue shows and sing, I figured I'd give my friends a chance to check out some of my electronic bits from back in the day... so drop by the Lost Memories Orchestra (Myspace)
I'm 27 today. Older and gettin' on to 30. Fun.
But as a consolation, I got my book today, the book I've been working on for most of my life. 1,500 copies all ready to ship out to whoever I can get to carry it. Hell of a lot of work but it paid off in the end. Check out my web site if you...
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But as a consolation, I got my book today, the book I've been working on for most of my life. 1,500 copies all ready to ship out to whoever I can get to carry it. Hell of a lot of work but it paid off in the end. Check out my web site if you...
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Holy shit... wow.
The book's coming out folks, fnally. It's off to the presses and I should see final copies near the end of the month, though the book will not technically release until July. Lately I've been working on promotional stuff and scheduling dates for the tour. So if any of you have a gaming retailer you'd like me to hound I'd love to drop in and...
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I came here to say thank you...