update- today is the start of 'no t.v. week' apparently. i don't think i'm going to make it that far.. and of course the only reason i even heard of this event was through the tube. i used to never watch it. i only got cable a few years ago and the internet last year, but i'm so addicted by now that its funny. no 'surreal life'- no way. i think jane weidlen should kick da brat's ass! what a bitch. she's a has-been too damnit.
i still work at a restaurant. but that's o.k., its only a matter of time till something better comes along. i've re-done my resume to highlight my education and awards (which look a lot more impressive than my actual work experience). i've also decided to not take every interview that comes my way. i used to think it was good experience to go to each and every interview i'm offered (more practice for other interviews), but its a real waste of time when its something i know i'm not interested in. it seems like the companies who are the hungriest to recruit people suck the most ass. that goes double for jobs in the sales and 'callcenter' environments. its coming up on a year since i've graduated, and i have to say that this job searching crap is the most boring and frustrating thing i've ever experienced. god i hate it. have any of you tangled with careerbuilder.com lately? ug.
on a lighter note, i am soo glad that things are warming up and spring is coming full bloom. i must have that 'seasonal affective' disorder because winter just plain depresses me. with nicer weather comes girls in summer clothes! and, um.. sandals and lots of open-toed footwear. i forgot how much i was missing that. well that's my update for now, you already knew that i'm weird so there. uh.
i still work at a restaurant. but that's o.k., its only a matter of time till something better comes along. i've re-done my resume to highlight my education and awards (which look a lot more impressive than my actual work experience). i've also decided to not take every interview that comes my way. i used to think it was good experience to go to each and every interview i'm offered (more practice for other interviews), but its a real waste of time when its something i know i'm not interested in. it seems like the companies who are the hungriest to recruit people suck the most ass. that goes double for jobs in the sales and 'callcenter' environments. its coming up on a year since i've graduated, and i have to say that this job searching crap is the most boring and frustrating thing i've ever experienced. god i hate it. have any of you tangled with careerbuilder.com lately? ug.
on a lighter note, i am soo glad that things are warming up and spring is coming full bloom. i must have that 'seasonal affective' disorder because winter just plain depresses me. with nicer weather comes girls in summer clothes! and, um.. sandals and lots of open-toed footwear. i forgot how much i was missing that. well that's my update for now, you already knew that i'm weird so there. uh.
Good luck with job stuff.
I have been taking a lot of great pictures of flowers lately.....maybe i will puit some of them up.