i just got back from a bank of america interview, and i'm very disappointed. besides seriously debating taking an entry-level position (telemarketing again), negating any need for my college degree or knowledge in general, i see like five people i know who work there. so much for moving on up, and leaving certain elements behind. so much for graduating with honors eight months ago.
i go back to bussing tables at the restaurant tonight, we've got a party of 38 coming in apparently. whoop-de-fucking doo. i'm too old for this shit.
at least after work, i get to go to dover's current 'hot spot' nightclub. bubba's. i'm not kidding- that's the name of the place. and they have a dress code. you might be thinking that the dress code at a place called bubba's would consist of a wife beater and overalls. but it just means you gotta wear preppy collared shirts. lots of drunken wesley college ho's, with slurred speech and sex in their eyes, will be in attendance. i think its funny that i'm attracted to preppy chicks (a little bit) now, maybe because i've never gone out with one.. anyways after the club, i'll probably have a few people over and i will spend money on bad bad things. again. so new week same shit.
there, i updated! question of the week: what is the best music to have sex to in your opinion? some of you punk rockers may sneer at this, but i like reggae, and even sade does the trick.
i go back to bussing tables at the restaurant tonight, we've got a party of 38 coming in apparently. whoop-de-fucking doo. i'm too old for this shit.
at least after work, i get to go to dover's current 'hot spot' nightclub. bubba's. i'm not kidding- that's the name of the place. and they have a dress code. you might be thinking that the dress code at a place called bubba's would consist of a wife beater and overalls. but it just means you gotta wear preppy collared shirts. lots of drunken wesley college ho's, with slurred speech and sex in their eyes, will be in attendance. i think its funny that i'm attracted to preppy chicks (a little bit) now, maybe because i've never gone out with one.. anyways after the club, i'll probably have a few people over and i will spend money on bad bad things. again. so new week same shit.

there, i updated! question of the week: what is the best music to have sex to in your opinion? some of you punk rockers may sneer at this, but i like reggae, and even sade does the trick.

I think it's more of a matter of photo quality then anything..we'll see.