Hey what's up, thanks for the comments guys. Today I go back to work at Mari Monti's, the Italian restaurant I went through five years of college to get away from. So much for careerbuilder and monster.com. Yes now I am definately the world's oldest irish busboy. Hopefully I can scrape up enough cash to go to Philly tomorrow, SLF rule OK. I had a lot of fun last night, partied with a couple of SG friends, and of course Hillary won the Trivial Pursuit game. Better clean up this mess before work. Take care guys
Hey man! Come to Philly Friday night! We can also do the kickball thing on Saturday as well.
I see Eyes... stopped by to say hi from my journal. She rocks, I think you'll like her. Anyway, I'll call you tomorrow while I'm in Philly, or call me if you're gonna be online a lot tomorrow.

The way I live That light won't be white.