Sup yo. Anyways, spent my christmas alone here in my room... Ended up falling asleep early to miss one of my friend coming up to see if i wanted to go to his co-worker's place for dinner. Oh well... Wasn't as bad as i thought it would be spending christmas alone. But, lucky me, I get to work New Year's Day and Eve. Hooray, right? Other than that, notta whole lot going on... Just getting lonely out here, and bored... BUT, finally got a digital camera... Then again, lucky me, i'm gonna have to work the next 2 weekends in a row...
Phooey. Well, I just got off of work, and I'm crazy sleepy. Gonna slowly undress myself thinking of all you and fall asleep with a smile on my face. ....fags!
K, i'm outta here. later all.

Happy New years doll-face!
Don't forget to take crazy pr0n with your digital camera! It's the only way to go!