Well, lets see here... Went to a club last night... was alright. Found out from the bouncer dudes outside that Saturday nights are the nights to go, so might head back tonight. Also found out, i can't dance for shit...hahahaha! And I'm the shy'est mofo to walk the earth, but i guess i already knew that...only wishing it might of changed over night one night, and i just didn't know it yet...
Anyways, i'm outta here... gonna try to go back to sleep...can't sleep worth crap right now... That or I'm gonna try an play some game, yeah, probably do that instead

saturday nites are the gay nites at that club!..guess that bouncer wasnt fooled at all!!!
You know what my problem is? I am too naive. I am too stupid to weed through the good and bad in people and in life. I am dating the most self-centered, shallow, biased, narcassitic asshole ever. How come I feel like the one's who treat me right are the assholes, and the assholes are the nice ones? God. I hate dating. I should make it a rule to never date a guy under 22. Or something? I would rather be lonley than deal with this bullcrap.