Alright, this will probably be my last entry before I go into the Navy. My ship out date is Feburary 11th. Boot camp is approx 9 weeks or so. So I won't be around till say like late April, and that's when I'll start my schooling and hopefully get my computer back. Of course I'll be writting Amazing Rando when i can, maybe I'll have him post something for me.
But man... 9 weeks of boot camp... no fun at all. Oh, and I'll be in Illinois. So it'll be freezing butt ass cold, and snowing. Poor skinny California boy is gonna have a hard time. hahaha! Well, don't know, or have much to say right now... Damn... This is a weak ass last post. Oh well, sucks to be me.
And I guess if you wanna get a hold of me, or write to me, can ask Rando for my address when he gets it. But knowing all you guys, probably write me laughing, or something to get my in send porn or some crap! Hoes! But you're all cool, so it's all good. Alright, time to go to bed, and start to pack up all my shit to store for the time i'm gone. But i'll be back!!!
Later dudes! And dudettes! OldManWithers is off to a new adventure of doom! Oh, and i took 10 new pictures of my funky happy go lucky self before I leave. Hopefully I'll still have my webcam to post the aftermath of the Navy. Later yo! Wish me luck! And i'll talk to you all soon enough.
But man... 9 weeks of boot camp... no fun at all. Oh, and I'll be in Illinois. So it'll be freezing butt ass cold, and snowing. Poor skinny California boy is gonna have a hard time. hahaha! Well, don't know, or have much to say right now... Damn... This is a weak ass last post. Oh well, sucks to be me.
And I guess if you wanna get a hold of me, or write to me, can ask Rando for my address when he gets it. But knowing all you guys, probably write me laughing, or something to get my in send porn or some crap! Hoes! But you're all cool, so it's all good. Alright, time to go to bed, and start to pack up all my shit to store for the time i'm gone. But i'll be back!!!
Later dudes! And dudettes! OldManWithers is off to a new adventure of doom! Oh, and i took 10 new pictures of my funky happy go lucky self before I leave. Hopefully I'll still have my webcam to post the aftermath of the Navy. Later yo! Wish me luck! And i'll talk to you all soon enough.
Problem solved! Thanks MacGyver!
J00 sUx0rz!