@missy @rambo
My BFF is anonimoose,
From image boards, to circle jerk argument upvoat sites, to near everywhere on the internet, anonimoose, you have been my faithful companion. Yes, we have had epic arguments in your/theirs/whateverthefuck various manifestations. But over all, we have developed such a close and unconditional bond precisely because you have always remained your bat shit insane bigoted, extremist, intolerant, schizophrenic self. Whether we were going back and forth over how shit D&D 4e ruleset was. Or how meaningless and insane the artificial and media manufactured political right and left ideologies are that just serve oligarchy interest. We have always managed to work through it, and agree to just call one another the most horrible and dehumanizing slurs which we could muster at any given moment, and then continue our discussions (or dox and try to swat one another). Truly anonimoose, you are my best friend with how we both manage to look past what we so intensely dislike and see as vile in the other. I admire how we still manage to still blunty talk freely, needing no ‘safe’ discussion, and continue to interact without violence breaking out after all these years. Thank you anonimoose, thank you for especially realizing, and also teaching me, that text on a screen, or speech on the internet, are not violence, or bad, or even hurtful unless you let it be. Despite all your recockulously bad qualities, and quite frankly horrific character flaws, you deep down inside are a real human being, and a hero.
P.S. Also, yeah, you do produce the most dank memes, I cannot argue that.