Yay! The weekend is finally here for me. Sort of, anyway. I only have to work 2 hours or so tomorrow and I'm pretty stoked about that.
I got stung by a bee or wasp on my UPPER LIP riding home on my bike this afternoon. It nearly flew into my mouth, but it wasn't open enough so I just spit it out and hoped like hell it wasn't going to sting my tongue in the process. OUCH! It swelled up a little, but not really so anyone would notice. At least no one said anything at the restaurant about it.
I'm going on a vacation in less than two months! I can't wait. I'm going to meet up with my darling daughter and visit family in Okiehoma. Yee-haw! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! just kidding of course.
July is going to be super busy. I've signed up for a ton of overtime at the hospital - with the hopes of earning 'comp time' so I can take my vacation in August and get paid too. That would be so awesome.
I'm sort of worried about not getting financial aid this year. That would just really suck and put a damper on things. But, I'll find out more once I talk to the school's financial aid chief. She's really awesome and works magic sometime. I'm hoping she'll be able to get me on track without any glitches.
I'm pooped. It was a long and hot day today. I worked 16 hours. Yikes. My feet are Tired.
Work was easy at the hospital. Actually it was really slow and I read through two chapter of embryology while there. At the restaurant was a different story. It was non-stop running until 10 something or other tonight. And I don't know what the deal is, but tips sucked for me. I think I just had the smallest section, was not in a groove, or something along those lines. Better luck Monday, I hope. The beginning of the week tends to be better than the ends anymore.
Well, tomorrow is actually today and I've gotta get up to work in 6 hours or so, so I'm gonna call it a night.
I hope all is well with you and yours.

I got stung by a bee or wasp on my UPPER LIP riding home on my bike this afternoon. It nearly flew into my mouth, but it wasn't open enough so I just spit it out and hoped like hell it wasn't going to sting my tongue in the process. OUCH! It swelled up a little, but not really so anyone would notice. At least no one said anything at the restaurant about it.
I'm going on a vacation in less than two months! I can't wait. I'm going to meet up with my darling daughter and visit family in Okiehoma. Yee-haw! Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition! just kidding of course.
July is going to be super busy. I've signed up for a ton of overtime at the hospital - with the hopes of earning 'comp time' so I can take my vacation in August and get paid too. That would be so awesome.
I'm sort of worried about not getting financial aid this year. That would just really suck and put a damper on things. But, I'll find out more once I talk to the school's financial aid chief. She's really awesome and works magic sometime. I'm hoping she'll be able to get me on track without any glitches.
I'm pooped. It was a long and hot day today. I worked 16 hours. Yikes. My feet are Tired.
Work was easy at the hospital. Actually it was really slow and I read through two chapter of embryology while there. At the restaurant was a different story. It was non-stop running until 10 something or other tonight. And I don't know what the deal is, but tips sucked for me. I think I just had the smallest section, was not in a groove, or something along those lines. Better luck Monday, I hope. The beginning of the week tends to be better than the ends anymore.
Well, tomorrow is actually today and I've gotta get up to work in 6 hours or so, so I'm gonna call it a night.
I hope all is well with you and yours.

God, working in a hospital sucks, my dad was an MD. Good luck to you on that one. He always told me never to become a Dr. Not sure why. Not going to happen anyway.
Fuck, I hate bee stings, I haven't had once since I was a little kid.