when she made this -- also... she couldn't hear the music - she was born a deaf mute...
thanks to @ferkixlll I got pulled in to this... let's see...
1- do you like blue cheese? Yes - many kinds, tho Stilton and Manchego are currently dominating that region of the cheese hamper.
2- coke or Pepsi? Not on your tintype! A proper Jamacan Ginger Beer upon occasion, or perhaps a Fever Tree Tonic... but mostly, nopt.
3- do you own a gun? Nope;...
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It is said (by my relatives anyway) that a Scot ought to have a folly somewhere on his or her property.. to that end we have installed a 400 pound Buddha head deep in our woods--we have 100 acres or so, and are the smallest lot on our gully. So by and by hikers will stumble upon this and wonder what it is doing here...
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Lady Montrevor
Christina Rossetti
I do not look for love that is a dream—
I only seek for courage to be still;
To bear my grief with an unbending will,
And when I am a-weary not to seem.
Let the round world roll on; let the sun beam;
Let the wind blow, and let the rivers fill
The everlasting sea, and on the hill
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watch it through and then tell me what you feel...
I don't want to look at this, I don't want to think about the utter collapse of our federal government into an insane cruel and bottomlessly evil dicatorship and I know fuck all about what to do or how to do it.... but I do look within and without every literally damned day for that faint spark of light which will appear somewhere on this
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At one time, folk were properly proud to be American - the 'can do' attitude that built itself out of a depression and made life good for more than it harmed. far from perfect, especially when viewed with our current sensibilities, and that's a fact--but for the times, it was a good thing. Then Vietnam stirred up the hidden poisons never expelled after the Civil...
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Hello to my many [sic] followers... I met this woman when she came through our town (Ithaca) and because the venue absolutely sucked - a cavernous bar - there were only a few people present. I myself have been nearly housebound for 18 years with a broken back - i have 18 shattered vertebrae, which leaves me somewhat immobile and definitely in pain... but not...
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--He practiced 10 hours a day--still one of the best that can ever be--
aaannd a lil supergroup