Let me start with this version.. there are so many, but I think that this is one of the two really great versions of an old blues classic! Of course the Holy Modal Rounders were from NYC in te 60s and as batshit crazy as they come. Youtube has a lot of their stuff; it's pretty memorable, if not always musical...

I guess this blog...
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I love discovering what I knew was actually derivative - I only knew the Hot Tuna version before this post. :)
Daiquiri ^^
Interesting!  My favorites in order of likelihood of consumption: Typhoo Tea with Ginseng and Lemon; Water (well, not a favorite but), 18-20 yr Single Malt, preferably from Jura or Orkney; Old Peculiar or Guiness on tap (only in Ireland where it has the proper balance and temperature)

This song started out with Bonnie Dobson who wrote it and recorded it some years later... but the person I first heard doing it *back in the day* was Fred Neil:

but that quickly got picked up by Jeff Beck:

and like ten minutes later this happened:

please play at least one of these... I heard the first and third live.

The thought I'm having...
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"Alcohol and iPhones"... I like that. Sometimes I believe that tapping into those forces is simply a matter of finding them, because they don't ever totally go away.

although I seldom care for or respect Mr. Nietzche in his rants and puerile raves, even the pouting adolescent can sometimes speak the truth:

"To have bound up this New Testament (a kind of ROCOCO of taste in every respect) along with the Old Testament into one book, as the "Bible," as "The Book in Itself," is perhaps the greatest audacity and "sin against the...
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A Spiritual Journey

And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles,

no matter how long,

but only by a spiritual journey,

a journey of one inch,

very arduous and humbling and joyful,

by which we arrive at the ground at our feet,

and learn to be at home.

~ Wendell Berry ~

(Collected Poems)

Possibly true. But does another life open up? 
--Tolstoy again-- summing up the War of 1812 (which was basically over the Ukraine, as was the Crimean War... which took 4 years before anyone realized it was really a war...)  / The point is that reason and rules invariably destroy life and even the world they're meant to protect... as another man said (Merton), life creates structure, but structure never creates life... / reason is useful to better *observe* and learn from life; it is useless as a means of absolute governance...

Petya ought to have known that he was in a forest with Denisov's guerrilla band, less than a mile from the road, sitting on a wagon captured from the French beside which horses were tethered, that under it Likhachev was sitting sharpening a saber for him, that the big dark blotch to the right was the watchman's hut, and the red blotch below to the...
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Tolstoy is a master! I must read some of the new translations that have come out recently!
@unknownmisery yes he is... it's kind of lost in the size of War & Peace, but his prose and his observations are really quite remarkable!

Okay, so I mentioned that Id be doing a best of the year movie blog and here, in March, it is! Now I watch a lot of movies, and in any other context besides here Id be reluctant to lay out the full range of my palate. It also happens that my life-partner, being many years younger than me (which isnt hard to to) didnt...
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im glad you enjoyed the video, though i think i am going to upload a different version that fits that song a little bit better..

it would be great if you would comment on it again once i delete the one that is currently up.