I have been a practicing um, occultist, for more than 50 years. (really). there is about 95% bullshit around this stuff, but there is a thin thread of valid information, and influences on our lives. most everything can be dealt with by common sense and reasoned thinking. there are a few things which aren't affected by these tools, and for those, magic, alchemy and astrology can have some answers, or at least tools.
if you feel threatened or become overwhelmed by anxiety, try this:
1. get yourself a knife that you don't use for anything else (like a small paring knife or even pocket knife). Stand up facing the door of you room/apartment and, using your right hand, draw a circle in the air from the floor to as high as you can reach. As you draw it visualize that it's leaving a trail of white light behind it (which it will learn to do for real after a while); once drawn, start at your left foot and draw a five pointed star in the circle (left foot up to head, down to right foot, over to left arm's reach, then over to right arm's reach, and back to your left foot.) imagine this too to be made of warm, powerful white light. chant a prayer, or OM, or OM MANE PADME HUM, while you are doing this.
if you feel like your space is contaminated with emotions, negativity, or just stale, here are a couple of things you can do.
Get some camphor (white crumbly cube - it must be pure), and something you can burn it in. it will burn HOT so be careful, it will crack ceramics, so use metal. it will also scorch the pan (there are little lamps you can get for this at a store that sells stuff from India). so. light the camphor and start in the northeast corner of your room/apartment/house. walk clockwise around the outer wall of your space. when you get to a window or door, move the flame all the way around it and then continue on. be sure to poke the flame into the corners. IT WILL LEAVE SOOT in the air if there is negative energy, which there nearly always is. so cover anything white before you do this and afterwards air out the space.
Once that's done get some white candles (in bottles if possible, or otherwise safe-ish), keep one lit in the corner of your home that you naturally reference (btw: north = impersonality, detachment, east = faith, hope, south = power, compassion, west = reason, objectivity). put an image there as well of something or someone that you feel has some real nobility of character, that your home and life would be uplifted if they were to stop by from time to time. keep the candle lit, and if you like light a bit of incense and ring a bell (thus momentarily dedicating our smell, hearing and sight to the positive powers that be)...
om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam, bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyoh yoh na om