--since there has been a good deal of "mystery" about the origins of this virus, it is my bet that this is a biological weapon that China lost control of. all the nations of the world have bio-war labs and have had them since WWI... that one would finally fuck up is hardly a surprise-- that it's China, is, so far as I can see, the karma of that godless nation, and it will bring folk back to religion, even if in a primitive and selfish way--at least that's a start!
soon i will be posting a proper essay on the astrology of this pandemic--there is an obvious connection to the Spanish influenza of 1918; the 14th Century Black Plague? not so much - no clue about how to map that catastrophe... at this point after 50+ years of practicing astrology I know when I see a pattern, and when I don't; it is my long-held view that *sometimes* astrology is a factor; if it was always so, we'd damn well be using it as a matter of course, which obviously we don't...

@oldernow - one would think that current memory would be sufficient. Since 1968 we had: the Hong Kong flu, swine flu, bird flu, H1N1, HIV, The Ebola outbreak, SARS & MERS. Don't forget the Times Square Flu test back in the '50's when rate of spread was tracked to see how quickly a known Biologic would move through a population. As they say "this ain't rocket science". With ALL of this history Anybody NOT sitting up and making plans in January, when China locked down a city of 11.9 million people and built two 1,000 bed field hospitals in weeks; has no business leading anything.