kinda makes my jaw ache and a particular sort of biting on aluminum flavor in my mouth...
oh yes indeedy... gotta watch them rabbits runnin in the ditch...
@ferkixlll yeah, I never did buy in to the "tune in, turn on, drop out" thing - or the whole "all war is bad" thing either - my dad and both my uncles went through WWII as POWs from Bataan... not a lotta love of the Orient in our house... they made it, but with physical and mental scars .. // I did enjoy the 60s and the creative energies, the willingness (for a while) to confront a moribund status quo... but it was clear to me that my friends weren't so much "anti war" as "anti-getting-my-ass shot off"... so when their ass ceased to be in wind... their values reverted to type. Meanwhile, up here in Ithaca, some of us have persisted in trying to move the political needle a bit more to the left as a counterpoint to the current misuse of the right... ... welp, it'll all be over soon anyway I suppose...
Those young whipper snappers are going to have to cope with the mess. I wish them luck.