take five:
if you wanna play Jazz... leave America behind... Brubeck played in a "mixed race" band in the army--and when he came back to the u.s. of a he found out they couldn't stay or play together in half the states of the union (unlike today when it's ... well, about the same actually) -- so back to Europe they went, or stayed north... and here's a little tidbit i *should* have sussed out a while ago: Dick Dale, as some of my few readers know, passed away recently. but did you know that his birth name was Richard Monsour? or that his hit, Miserlou, is an old Greek tune, which he, being Lebanese knew well--he just played it on a guitar with wire strings and an amp and created the "American Sound" of the mid-60s... aka the Mediterranean sound of the mid-16th century!
here it is--if you listen you can hear that it's modal...
sometimes I'm glad i'll be headed off planet soon...