thanks to @ferkixlll I got pulled in to this... let's see...
1- do you like blue cheese? Yes - many kinds, tho Stilton and Manchego are currently dominating that region of the cheese hamper.
2- coke or Pepsi? Not on your tintype! A proper Jamacan Ginger Beer upon occasion, or perhaps a Fever Tree Tonic... but mostly, nopt.
3- do you own a gun? Nope; I'm too afraid I'd use it...
4- what flavor Kool-Aid? Purple - I do like things whose flavors cannot be found in nature.. but KoolAid hasn't touched my lips since the Beatles were playing with Hamburg... .
5- what do you think of hot dogs? Not Dogs for me - a vegetarian; but mostly nope. I make a mean super(veggie)burger involving avocado and jalepenos tho
6- favorite TV show? Does The Tour De France count? It is probably the only thing I watch without fail year in and out. Otherwise, Doctor Who.
7- favorite movie? My short list is now at 235... eep... one?? um... Sunday and Cybele (with La Strada and The 7th Seal jammed on to the reel/cassette/disc).
8- what do you drink in the morning? Gone are the days when my order was "Coffee--soon, strong and often"... now it's "Workers Tea" (Typhoo) brewed to blackness with lemon and ginseng tossed in
9- can you do push-up? Yep, tho it's a lil modified since I broke my left wrist twice - i have to do them (all 25 or s0) on my fingertips....
10- favorite jewelry on me? The two (penny sized) medallions given to me by His Holiness Shankaracarya, the head of Hinduism... (there's a good story there)
11- favorite hobbies? Legos and Nanoblocks - I claim its for physical therapy but it helps me get through my wife's endless supply of chickflicks... otherwise... sleeping, doing my accounts and serving my cats' every whim...
12- do you have ADHD? Nope
13- do you wear glasses? I have three pair - one for the computer, one for the house and one for outdoors, and none of them are quite right.
14- favorite cartoon character- Road Runner! Pink Panther for 2nd place, the Witch from XXXholic for 3rd
15- 3 things that I did today. cleaned up cat barf UNDER THE FREAKIN BED thankyouverymuch... showered, put on my heart monitor halter.
16- 3 things that you drink regularly? Black tea with Lemon; Fever Tree Tonic, Single Malt Scotch (nothing under 15 yrs please).
17- current dislike? The utter incapacity of the Left to anticipate and constructively be proactive to the degenerative Right--I'm not saying that the Right is always wrong or that the Left is always right--but the lack of balance of power has not been good for the USA... also the lack of religion--used to be that folk were guided by a deeper moral code than secular neccessity--again many problems there...but the current alternative is much worse
18- favorite place to go? The Orkney Islands.
19- how did you bring in the New Year? Working as a counselor (my job) then meditating .
20- where would you like to go? Bayreuth for the Ring Cycle -- I'll keep this from @ferkixill. and I'll add: Mount Kailash (not gonna happen) but Gangotri, Nepal beyond Kathmandu, New Zealand, and Iceland
21- name 5 people who ( you hope ) will do this? @WICKEDARGYLE, @KUROHA, @ROWENNA, @SPUNKADDIE, @ANJAVE
22- favorite color? Blue(s).
23-do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Nope... too slippery -- I like raw silk.
24- can whistle? as the lady said to Bogart -- yes, just put your lips together and.... blow
25- what are you doing right now? avoiding finishing my quarterly tax accounting and going back to work..
26- would you be a pirate? Highwayman in a heartbeat, but as I said to the physical therapist, I'm Scottish (1st generation to the US) I don't put me in water or water in me... so no on the pirate thing.
27- favorite food? artichokes; alternately a proper South Indian "Meals" or Thali... nom!!
28- last thing that made you laugh? something we here in the office call the TOTD (typo of the day)... to wit: "When one is dominant the Author is latent"....
29- last time that you received flowers? A couple of weeks ago when I bought the Buddha for our forest my wife brought flowers .
30- most recent injury? 2013 I caught an air conditioner falling from a second story window--a reflex reaction to seeing money about to be wasted---ended up tearing the tendons off the bones of my left forearm and shoulder--yeah, that was a money-saver all right...
31- how many pets are in your house? 2 black cats, 1 honorary houseguest of a feral skunk named Bianca that uses the cat door to eat kibble, and also a possum of the same ilk named Blossom who currently is raising her brood in the blackberry bushes...
32- worst pain ever? I have 14 broken verterbrae and take 70 (seventy) ibuprofen (or their equivalent) every six hours.. what do you think?.
33- do you like to dance? Yes, but my wife often stops me out of consideration for the psyches of our fellow party-goers.
34- are your parents alive? long dead and gone
35- do you love your life? Actually, yes indeed!.
36- summer or winter? Winter
37- how many grandchildren do you have? no children so no grandchildren but my niece has triplets so....
38- car or van? Car.
39- people person? yep.
40- what do you think happens to us when we die? Not much changes except we can't drink or fuck-- no body -- but the psyche stays around for a good long while and then fades to white.